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How to Avoid The Hidden Costs in IT RFPs

How to Avoid Hidden Costs in IT RFPs

Information Technology is the driving force of digital transformation, behind efficiency gains and innovative solutions. RFPs (Request for Proposals) are important for potential clients to identify the right technology solutions for their business. However, responding to these RFPs is often a hurdle for proposal teams in technology companies. In particular, the growing focus on security-related issues requires gathering the technical expertise of subject matter experts. However, IT RFPs can have various hidden costs if the collaboration is not done effectively and we will take a closer look at how to avoid the hidden costs of IT RFPs.


Clear responsibilities

Do you know this situation? You need to contact an expert from IT for some information and it seems like you interrupt the person in the middle of their work. In everyday office life, interruptions are part of the daily routine. It often takes a long time to return to the starting point after an interruption. For the important and costly work of developers, it is particularly inconvenient if they are interrupted, too often or unnecessarily. For bid teams as well as experts, it is important to have a clear RFP response process that defines roles and responsibilities. In addition, software support should be used that promotes collaboration and facilitates the process. The first step in this is often to properly manage and reuse previous RFP responses.


A better starting point

The importance of content to the RFP response process should not be underestimated! After all, every IT-RFP contains questions that have been asked before. Managing responses and keeping them in an RFP knowledge database gives you a better starting point for future RFPs. This significantly reduces the burden on subject matter experts in the IT department, as they do not have to answer the same questions over and over again.

In addition, software support saves IT experts valuable time, as their expertise is only needed to answer a completely new question or correct an existing one. If experts only work on the questions and sections where their support is needed, a lot of time can be saved.


Effective content management

Poorly managed content is a key factor that is often overlooked and can result in hidden costs in the RFP response process. Responsibility for updating content is often unclear. Subject matter experts may have concerns about where to find the time to manage RFP content and would prefer delegating the task. Members of the sales team, however, may lack the technical oversight to keep responses up to date. The hidden costs of neglecting this process are often overlooked. This is because the time and effort to repeatedly answer the same questions is much higher than the investment in maintaining reusable content. The software can assist with reminders for regular content reviews and sends notifications when updates are required.


Technology-enabled collaboration

Clearly, much of responding to RFPs depends on people working together, yet technology can support collaboration enormously and help to avoid hidden costs. In the past, RFP responders had to complete the process manually, which often meant a lot of work in the form of copays. Today, automated options are available to them. An example of this is our RFP software solution Beyond.RFP. It has been specifically designed to make this process easier for bid teams and help close more sales.


Pick what is right for you

When opting for software support, a thorough vendor evaluation is a crucial stage that should not be missed. A good technology solutions supplier must be chosen to prevent future hidden charges. Businesses should evaluate vendors based on their knowledge, performance history, dependability, and suitability. Moreover, carefully examine the vendor’s pricing policy, service level agreements, and any supplementary expenses that might be incurred during the implementation and maintenance stages. To reduce the risk of unforeseen costs, make sure to choose a partner who supports your long-term goals.


There are several tools to avoid hidden costs in IT RFPs. Through clear responsibilities and strategic collaboration, bid teams and IT departments can cooperate more efficiently and increase success. Technology also plays a significant role in this process, however, the service provider should be carefully chosen. Beyond.RFP offers solutions to improve collaboration and facilitate the process. Sign up for a demo today and learn more!

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