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What is a Security Questionnaire?

What is a Security Questionnaire?

Today’s globalised world is characterised by economies with long supply chains and security in supplier management is now more important than ever. Companies need to ensure that their suppliers and service providers take appropriate security measures to minimise risks and build a trustworthy business relationship. This article will give the answer to what is security questionnaire, its application in the procurement process and ways to automate them to make the process more efficient.


What is a security questionnaire?

A security questionnaire is a tool that customers use to collect and evaluate security-related information and measures of a company. The questionnaire helps clients identify potential risks and vulnerabilities and ensure that their suppliers and service providers are taking appropriate security measures.


Its importance for sales

As a supplier, it is important to complete security questionnaires effectively to give potential customers confidence in your security measures.


Important components of a security questionnaire

A security questionnaire can include questions and requirements on various aspects of information security, data protection, physical security and compliance. Here are some examples of topics that could be covered in such a questionnaire:

  • Information security: Questions about security management, access controls, encryption, firewalls, patch management, virus protection and backup strategies.
  • Data protection: Requirements for compliance with data protection laws, data protection officer, data processing contracts and data breach notification procedures.
  • Physical security: Information on access controls, security personnel, video surveillance, alarm systems and protection against natural disasters or other physical threats.
  • Employee and third-party security: Questions about employee security clearance, training, non-disclosure agreements and security requirements for subcontractors.
  • Emergency and crisis management: Information on business continuity plans, disaster recovery plans and security incident response procedures.
  • Compliance: Issues related to legal and regulatory compliance, security-related certifications (e.g. ISO/IEC 27001) and regular security audits.


Tips for effectively completing the security questionnaire

The following tips can help you to effectively complete a security questionnaire and gain the trust of your clients:

  1. Completeness and accuracy:

    Be sure to answer all questions and requirements on the security questionnaire completely and accurately. Incomplete or inaccurate information can lead to delays or rejections.

  2. Provide documentation:

    Provide all necessary documents that prove your security measures, such as certificates, audit reports or data protection contracts

  3. Clear and concise answers:

    Use clear and concise language to describe your security measures and processes. Avoid jargon or vague statements that may be difficult for customers to understand.

  4. Proactive communication:

    Communicate proactively with your client to clarify questions or concerns about the security questionnaire and identify potential issues early on.


Automation options for completing security questionnaires.

Automation can simplify and speed up the process of completing security questionnaires for businesses. Here are some ways you can use automation:

  • Automated completion:

    Use software assistance to facilitate the entry of information and ensure that all required data is captured in a consistent and structured manner. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the software can even understand questions in questionnaires that are not identical, just similar.

  • Knowledge databases:

    Use an internal knowledge database to store important security documents centrally and access them quickly when they are needed to complete security questionnaires.

  • Automated compliance checks:

    Use software solutions that automatically check compliance with laws, regulations and standards to ensure your organisation is always in line with current requirements.


Monitor and update security measures

To ensure that your business continues to meet the security requirements of your customers, you should regularly monitor and update your security measures:

  1. Conduct regular security audits:

    Conduct regular internal and external security audits to review the effectiveness of your security measures and identify potential vulnerabilities.

  2. Train and sensitise staff:

    Ensure that your staff joins trainings on security-related issues to minimise human error and maintain a high level of security.

  3. Update policies and procedures:

    Continually adapt your security policies and procedures to changing laws, regulations, technologies and threat landscapes to stay up-to-date.



Effective security questionnaire completion is critical for companies operating as suppliers to gain obtaini trust and build successful business relationships. By applying the aforementioned tips and taking advantage of automation opportunities, companies can streamline the process of completing security questionnaires and ensure they meet their customers’ security requirements.


Your partner in completing security questionnaires

Recognise and use the benefits of automation in security questionnaire completion. If you would like to learn more about how to automate security questionnaires and streamline your processes, we invite you to request a demo of our solution Beyond.RFP. We look forward to helping you get on the path to more efficient and secure business practices.

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